Activities Among Negroes

By Delilah L. Beasley

With 10,000 delegates and visitors in attendance, the forty-second world conference of Seven Day Adventist opened Wednesday evening at the civic auditorium in San  Francisco. Of particular interest are the native delegates from South Africa, Abysinia {Abyssinia} and the two Fijian chiefs. There are 600 Negro delegates and visitors in attendance, Rev. G. B. Peters, secretary of the Negro department and a corps of Negro union secretaries are looking after the interest of this department. Other prominent ministers from various parts of the United States are in attendance, including Rev. Owen C.Troy, evangelist, and pastor of Market Street S. D. A. church of Oakland: Rev. J. A. Johnson of San Diego, and Rev. P. B. Bontemps are looking after the housing of the Negro delegates and visitors. Thursday afternoon June 5, Rev; G. E. Peters will make his report of his department. On Saturday night, June 7, a musical program will be given by Negro musicians.  Rev. Owen C. Troy and Rev. Johnson are in charge. The conference sessions are open to the public.


Chaplain Louis Carter, United States army, has been promoted to lieutenant-colonel in the chaplain corps. Chaplain Carter, a colored officer, has a distinguished record as a spiritual adviser and his recent promotion makes him one of he ranking chaplains in the United States army. This interesting news item is of special interest to Oakland readers.


Under the leadership of W. N. Ricks, president of the corps, with Sergeant M. Saddler as master of ceremonies, the John H. Alexander Corps No. 62. Department of California, and the women's auxiliary department of Spanish-American War Veterans held their annual memorial services last Sunday morning in Veterans Memorial building on Lake Merritt. The program consisted of a sermon by Rev. Allen O. Newman, reading of a poem written and dedicated to the memory of the late Col. Charles Young, solo by John Ferguson. Spanish-American war veteran, reading of memorial eulogy by Sergeant Ferdinan Bryant: solo by Miss Ethel Rivers with Mrs. Thornton at the piano. The following past president of women auxiliary war presidents attended: Mrs. Fannie Wall, Mrs. Starr,  Mrs. Mariana Eqing and Mrs. Rossie Jones.


The colored group committee of the Alameda County Public Welfare League met Monday evening in the Thayer building. The following officers were elected: Mrs. Bertha Allen, chairman: Mrs. Elizabeth Jarreau, vice-chairman; Miss Ruth Bally, recording secretary: Mrs. A. Jones, financial secretary: Mrs. Hattie Jones, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. Josephine Williams, treasurer. They have mapped out an intensive program of study and service for the coming year. A large delegation attended the recent annual dinner of the.Public Welfare League held in the Christian church, when the executive secretary, Mrs. H. Artieda, in her annual report made mention of the very successful observance of the National Negro Health Week. It will be of interest to the reader that the recent California state conference for social work held in Santa Barbara was attended by Ethel Clark from San Francisco Community Center and Floyd Covington, industrial secretary from Los Angeles Urban League.


The last reciprocity meeting for the year or the California State Federation of Colored Women's clubs will convene in Taylor's Memorial church, Wednesday, June 4. The Federation of Colored Women's clubs received the following call:

"We are now coming to the end of another busy year and must pause to check up. Whither have we been hurrying and what have we accomplished? Not only must we look back but we must look forward and plan wisely and carefully for a greater State Federation for better conditions for our boys and girls." 

To further the work of our great organization in this state and to help forward the work of our women all over this great country, I hereby call the twenty-fourth annual session of the California Federation of Colored Women's club to meet in Oakland June 25-26-27. We ask God's blessing upon this meeting and may it truly bring us together in fellowship and truth. Yours for 'Deeds not Words.' " OTEY SMITH, State President.


Rev. G. C. Coleman, vice president of National Baptist Convention (unincorporated) and president of California Missionary Baptist association, with his wife and twenty-five members of the North Oakland Baptist church choir motored last Thursday to Antioch where they were the guests of the Brotherhood Society of the Methodist church. Rev. Coleman afterwards delivered an address in which he asked the cooperation of the members. of this church to use their influence in relieving the unemployment situation among Negro citizens.

Shriners and Daughters of Isis will hold their annual memorial services today at 11 o'clock at North Oakland Baptist church. Rev. Coleman will deliver the sermon. 


What has been pronounced the next quarterly luncheon program held by the Oakland Council of Church Women was that of Friday, May 23, in Taylor Memorial E. church. Unemployment in Oakland was the topic for the day.


Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jun 01, 1930Activities Among Negroes/Sun, Jun 01, 1930 01 Jun 1930, Sun Oakland Tribune (Oakland, California)