Users/Mike/sandbox is, as its title suggests, a test page for code etc.

Does this cut-down editor (represented by the toolbar above) accept manual entry of “other” HTML?

  • We know OLs and ULs are allowed; so next, let’s try definition lists, using the glossary page as an example.
    • <dl>’s are forbidden! – they convert to <p>’s the instant the source window closes!
    • exception (?): Himy figured out how to embed video using the “embed media” puzzle piece. I’ll try that … NOPE.
  • BTW, the HTML is whitelisted for a ton of really good reasons (security and to keep a uniform appearance). We can always add new elements but we try to take it very slow.  --philip
  • For anyone reading this who may not know, Phil is lead dev at localwiki [oaklandwiki’s parent project] – (Holy deus ex machina, Batman!)
  • @Phil: Roger that. Thanks for saving me from wasting time testing unsupported HTML! … BTW, it’s HTML5, yes? Also, based on your tip, I found the whitelist; might help to mention somewhere in yer docs that the only allowed tags at present are p; br; a; imgem, strong; strike, u; sub, sup; pre, tt; hrh1h6ul, ol, li; span; input; and table, thead, tbody, tr, th, and td. (Heck, steal the preceding bit, if you like.)
  • <dl>’s draw useful semantic links between 2 items (typically terms & definitions, though other applications are possible). Eloquent defense. That almost no sane people care about semantics; that the default (unstyled) appearance of <dl>’s is rather unsexy; and that I’d likely be the only one to use them, is immaterial: right now, ≈90% of oakwiki’s tables are non-semantic attempts to “fake” this functionality visually. I’d rather get used to doing proper markup now, to save pain later (Sec. 508 compliance, should it ever come to that, etc.).
  • On that note, an accessibility question. While I (generally) loathe tables, from an accessibility standpoint their most useful attributes are the rarely-used, semantic ones, like caption and tfoot. Shouldn’t these be supported too? OK, this concludes this evening’s whining …


I found some improved footnoting code! Let’s see if it works.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris vitae nibh . <sup><a href="#fn1" name="r1”>⑴</a></sup>
  • Sed bibendum. Nam malesuada. Pellentesque facilisis. Aenean tincidunt neque sed erat. Integer iaculis gravida nunc. Sed turpis. Aenean sagittis tellus eget metus. Ut mollis porttitor urna. Aliquam augue tellus, sodales sed, dignissim a, tristique imperdiet, enim. Suspendisse in nisi. Quisque sed quam id ipsum pulvinar egestas. Nam pulvinar lobortis neque. Vivamus nibh arcu, convallis vitae, malesuada vitae, porta eget, magna. Proin nisi. Mauris eget ante et diam consequat pulvinar. Nam tempus leo nec lectus.
    • Sed bibendum. Nam malesuada. Pellentesque facilisis. Aenean tincidunt neque sed erat. Integer iaculis gravida nunc. Sed turpis. Aenean sagittis tellus eget metus. Ut mollis porttitor urna. Aliquam augue tellus, sodales sed, dignissim a, tristique imperdiet, enim. Suspendisse in nisi. Quisque sed quam id ipsum pulvinar egestas. Nam pulvinar lobortis neque. Vivamus nibh arcu, convallis vitae, malesuada vitae, porta eget, magna. Proin nisi. Mauris eget ante et diam consequat pulvinar. Nam tempus leo nec lectus.
      • Sed bibendum. Nam malesuada. Pellentesque facilisis. Aenean tincidunt neque sed erat. Integer iaculis gravida nunc. Sed turpis. Aenean sagittis tellus eget metus. Ut mollis porttitor urna. Aliquam augue tellus, sodales sed, dignissim a, tristique imperdiet, enim. Suspendisse in nisi. Quisque sed quam id ipsum pulvinar egestas. Nam pulvinar lobortis neque. Vivamus nibh arcu, convallis vitae, malesuada vitae, porta eget, magna. Proin nisi. Mauris eget ante et diam consequat pulvinar. Nam tempus leo nec lectus.
        • Sed bibendum. Nam malesuada. Pellentesque facilisis. Aenean tincidunt neque sed erat. Integer iaculis gravida nunc. Sed turpis. Aenean sagittis tellus eget metus. Ut mollis porttitor urna. Aliquam augue tellus, sodales sed, dignissim a, tristique imperdiet, enim. Suspendisse in nisi. Quisque sed quam id ipsum pulvinar egestas. Nam pulvinar lobortis neque. Vivamus nibh arcu, convallis vitae, malesuada vitae, porta eget, magna. Proin nisi. Mauris eget ante et diam consequat pulvinar. Nam tempus leo nec lectus.
  • Then, at the bottom, you put: <p><a href="#r1" name="fn1">⑴</a> Explanation goes here.</p> like this:
  •  Explanation goes here.

On to the next thing! (Er … what was it, again?)

  • first condition or proposition to be tested goes here