Guidelines for Posting on Glenfriends.

On this list you can communicate with neighbors about anything happening in and around the Glenview district of Oakland, California. This list is a good place to exchange tools, share rides, organize potlucks, or find participants to join in your favorite activity. This is also the list in which the Glenview Neighborhood Assocation (GNA) announces and coordinates its efforts. More information about the GNA and the neighborhood can be found at You can edit your membership on this list and find files related to the list at this site at:
PLEASE NOTE: In order to avoid spam, new members start on “moderation.” This means their messages must be approved by the group moderators. Normally this takes only a few days, but the delay could be much longer if the moderator is busy or traveling. Also, this list does not accept attachments.

1.      Stay on topic. This list is about the Glenview neighborhood of Oakland, California. Before you post, ask yourself if what you are about to say is of greater interest to people living in Glenview than it is to people living anywhere else. If the answer is “no,” don’t post it here.

2.      Be civil. Talk to the other members as you would if you were chatting with your neighbor across a backyard fence. Give them the benefit of the doubt. Refrain from sarcasm. Never use foul language, slurs, personal attacks or hate speech.

3.      Don’t spam. If you have something to sell, you can let us know. But such messages should only be occasional.

4.      Don’t profile. If you see someone in the neighborhood behaving in a way that concerns you, report that behavior and describe the person’s physical appearance. But don’t assume that someone is dangerous simply because of that person’s physical appearance.

Glenfriends depends on members to each other of these guidelines. If someone violates these guidelines, moderators can return that person’s status to moderation. If you feel you have been unfairly put on moderation, or you have a complaint about someone else’s behavior, you can contact the moderators at [email protected].