This Category is Set up to post phone numbers for the services that come out and take care of neighborhood problems, as they randomly occur. Such as "oh, oh, there's a dead squirrel on the street, who do I call?", Or, "oh, oh, there's a wire hanging off the pole in back of my house, who do I call?" Feel free to add any problem-solving service, as it occurs for you. Here are some that have come up on emails posted in the past, to the neighborhood email list.

Burned Out Street Lights

Call the City of Mountain View Public Works Department (650) 903-6329, Option #3. Give them the exact location (cross streets, house number), where you see the burned out light. Even better, if you can, give them the number off the pole itself, which identifies exactly which one it is.

Abandoned Objects Pickup (such as an old couch, dryer, that someone left there rather than properly taking it to the dump):

Call the City of Mountain View Public Works Department (650) 903-6329, Option #6, with the exact location. 
Note: Be sure it was abandoned, and not left there for someone else to get later, or as some neighbor's on-call pickup object.

On-call pickups

We have three on-call pickups for each household, per year, where you can leave up to 3 large objects, and another pile 8' x 4' x 4', next to the curb, and it will be picked up on the same day as the trash. Call Recology (650) 967-3034 for a pickup appt. and more specifics on what you can leave out.

Hazardous Waste Recycling (such as old paint, aeresol sprays, wood putty, household cleaners, etc.)

Call Sunnyvale SMart Station for an appt. (one Sat. per month), at (408) 299-7300 
or go online to make an appt: [WWW]http:/ 
You must be a resident of Mountain View or Sunnyvale and show your driver's license when you drive up to unload. They will take everything out of your car for you.


Green Citizen ([WWW] takes anything electric/electronic that can plug into a wall outlet and they recycle it FREE! It's at the corner of Showers Drive and El Camino, and they're open 6 days a week. They also take florescent bulbs for a small fee (25 cents a foot), although I see below that OSH recycles those for free - live and learn. No appointment necessary. Just bring your old broken stuff, and drop it off!

Confidential Document Shredding

The Sunnyvale SMart Station has begun holding free Shredding event days each month. Check your "Mountain View Recycling Resource" pamphlet which you get each quarter, for the exact dates, or call (650) 903-6311. You won't need an appt. (as with Hazardous Waste Recycling). Just drive your car up to the site, and they will direct you to a shredding truck, where they will unload your bags or boxes of documents and shred them on the spot. You'll need to show your driver's license first. Non-residents are not permitted to participate. Super easy.

Recycling Fluorescent or any other kind of light bulbs

ACE on Charleston Road will take these from you and recycle them. Just drop them off at the customer service counter.

Dead Animals on the Street(such as squirrels and rats)

Call City of Palo Alto Animal Services (650) 496-5971. They serve Mountain View as well. [On 25 Feb 2016 MV resident was referred to (408) 764-0344 instead and they took care of it.]

Injured Wildlife 
Wildlife Rescue, 4000 Middlefield Rd., Palo Alto (650) 494-7283 
(Like birds. I think you have to box them up, keep them warm, and take them in. I don't think they'll come out and get them).

All of the above categories posted by Pat Jordan, 2/25/11

Hanging Wires off the telephone pole or over your house

First call PG&E (800) 743-5000. Even if it's not their wire, they need to know about pole work. You can also call the police non-emergency line, if you think it is urgent. (650) 903-6395 - posted by Wouter Suverkropp 2/17/11

Other Service Providers re: hanging wires: 
AT&T (866) 346-1168 
Comcast (800) 266-2278

Posted by Chuck Shih 2/18/11 (how to tell one wire from another isn't addressed here. Maybe PG&E has to first identify whose wire it is.