Super Giant Burrito, Super Burrito, & Bic Pen

Super Giant Burrito, wet style

A Super Giant Burrito with a see through ruler on top.

The super giant burrito is the legendary too-huge-to-be-for-real $10 burrito served at Taqueria Guadalajara. Each half of the super giant burrito is about the size of a super burrito. They are most commonly shared by 2-3 people on a budget.

StevenDaubert is pretty sure it's $10.72 after tax

Left Wall Right Wall They used to take photos of people who could finish this monster and posted them near the front entrance. The photo boards disappeared sometime before Feb. 2007.

The people who note their finishing times list 15 minutes on average, and claim that chicken is the least filling meat choice.

Wiki users who finished one

Wannabe people who wish they could finish one

  • Adam has shared one twice. Does that count?
  • With the moral support of many Psychology grad students, CraigBrozinsky finished about 95% of one in 90 minutes. He contemplates how long most people take to finish one.
  • MattBuga notoriously put himself at risk for an article in the DHS school newspaper The Hub. He got to the 3rd to last bite and found himself unable to continue. Several months later, breaking his vow to never try again, he failed his second attempt.