Gates of Gold was a White Wolf Mage LARP (Live Action Role Play) that met every other Saturday At the Death Star. The game has moved to a private tabletop format, and is now effectively closed, though prospective players known to the storytellers may contact them for information about rejoining the game.

Two Coteries of magicians, wizards, enchantresses and cannon fodder mix and merge, shifting alliances and goals as they work to see who shall control the magic of the city.

In English, it's a group of people acting out characters of their own making, modern-day warlocks and witches. It runs on the new D10-LARP system, which is similar to White Wolf's tabletop system to determine results of challenges and conflicts. You need a set of cards to play in addition to some imagination. (however, spare decks are provided by the staff. Though if you come late and we run low, you may have to put up with care bears or other cute cards.)

Game Information

  • System: White Wolf D10 LARP: Mage
  • Location: Formerly, the Death Star (Aka. Humanities and Social Science Building.
  • Time: biweekly Saturday, people begin arriving ~3:00, Game start is at 4:00, and runs until 10:00 or later
  • Website: Gates of Gold
  • Player Limit: Now closed.
  • Experience Required: None, rules taught
  • Associations: White Wolf

Game Staff