May Update

6 五月 2011

Hey friends,

The weather is really heating up here in beautiful San Francisco, and so is our development! Here comes another update to give you a sense of what we've been up to for the past month and what’s coming up.

Technical highlights

We’ve worked tirelessly on the LocalWiki infrastructure, and we are starting to see the benefits of all this work and planning. Our goal over the past month was to get the platform to a state where our first pilot community could use it to start building out their project and start giving us feedback about what works and what doesn’t. Thankfully, we hit our deadline! Here are some highlights:

  • Maps: Wrapped up the very first draft of our collaborative mapping system. Prepped our mapping system for some exciting things to come.
  • Search: Wrote the first draft of our search system.
  • Editor: Continued much tweaking and improvement of our page editor.
  • Images: Created a sweet image picker / uploader and enabled image versioning, replacement, and reverting.
  • User accounts: Added user creation / login support.
  • Versioning: Added the ability to delete and revert pages.
  • Feeds: Created a basic "Recent Changes" page and added real-time feeds for individual objects (pages, maps, etc) as well the entire site.
  • Created a rough initial design / look-and-feel.
  • Continually refactored our code for easier development and reuse.
  • Fixed a bunch of issues, big and small, with our sanity (mostly) intact!

Next steps

For the next month, we plan to ramp up our open-source efforts and hopefully get more developers (like you!) involved. We'll record and send out a little screencast going over our code organization, etc -- join the developer mailing list to stay in the loop there!

Through the hustle and bustle of our code marathon, we had to push back our first pilot selection -- we'll be doing that over the next week.

Thanks for reading and have a fantastic weekend!

Mike & Philip